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RT Booklovers Convention Read: A Blood Seduction

I was lucky enough to have an RT Convention a few hours' drive from my home town in 2013. Just me, myself, and an audiobook for the road, I ventured out to Kansas City as an RT virgin to see what fun times I could have. Needless to say, it was incredible. I went to so many soirees and met so many authors, which was truly special because I got to put faces to names or discover new authors from genres I like. I also came back home with bags and bags of books and goodies, which I have yet to finish reading.

One of the authors I met was Pamela Palmer. She is a lively and very nice lady who was happy to tell me about all the events in which she'd be giving out or talking about her books. I decided that her book, A Blood Seduction, would be my next read as I want to plan and catch up for the 2015 RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas (Woot!).

A Blood Seduction is a paranormal romance set in a vampire parallel universe. From the chapters I've read so far there is also a heavy fantasy element to the novel, which adds another layer of excitement.

As always, my creative juices are flowing and I am looking forward to seeing what inspiration comes from the world of A Blood Seduction.

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